FOLLOWING the NHA’s previous Press Release, clarity has now been received from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) with regard to the transportation of live animals, including horses.
“Our reading of the regulations for the movement of horses (and other animals) is that any permanent movement of horses may occur under Level 4 off movement for the permanent relocation or sale of any horse, and not back and forth.
“As with human exercise, horses may be exercised by existing staff that are authorised as essential or permitted on the properties where horses are kept or off premises within a 5km radius of the holding of residence between the times of 6am to 9am.
“Kindly note, this allowance does not supersede the requirements of movement of horses under any other Act or disease control requirements, and specifically movement control with regards to African Horse Sickness (AHS) would still apply.
“It is further understood that the South African Health Equine Protocols (SAEHP), are now authorised to issue permits into or within the AHS controlled area with regards to AHS movement control. We have also been advised by SAEHP that they cannot issue permits for Covid-19 movement authorisation, but if the AHS conditions are met, they can issue permission for movement in that regard.
“It is noted that other Provinces are closed for direct movement into the AHS controlled area and therefore movement into the AHS controlled area would require stopover quarantine. At present the only Provinces that have limited areas open for direct movement into the AHS controlled area are the Northern Cape and Western Cape. All other Provinces are currently closed for direct movement into the AHS controlled area due to active AHS cases.
“For AHS movement permits or movement requirements please contact”
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