DUE to popular demand, Gauteng’s Heversham Park Farm has elected to open its facilities to outside mares for permanent boarding at the Stud.
Heversham Park’s Kat Riley told Turf Talk, “Up until now we have acted primarily as a private stud, save for a few select clients. However our new Smutsfinger, Lucerne, Eragrostis and Oat pastures are now available (after five years of extensive fertilization and cultivation) for grazing.
“We are also about to expand our stallion offering for the 2020 breeding season in order to supplement our present Stallion roster. Both Wings Of Desire and Moofeed have produced outstanding foals which have received the “Stamp of approval” from many of the trainers that have visited the farm.
“As a result of the closure of many of the Natal Farms, we have been inundated with requests to expand our boarding facilities. Happily, due to the expansion of our facilities and the involvement of Terry Lowe as a consultant to the farm we are now able to open as a boarding facility.
“One of the great benefits of Heversham Park is its location to all of the primary centers in Gauteng, which makes it possible for clients to regularly visit their mares and foals at the farm, and therefore to be constantly involved in their horses activities and future planning.
“We are also aware of the present dire financial situation facing the breeding industry and as such have
pegged our charges for the 2020 breeding season at a fixed and affordable all-inclusive rate.”
-Turf Talk.